Swedish Heroes Nominated

http://www.svenskahjaltar.se/article7913914.ab - It´s in Swedish. Here it is translated to english;

Felicia, 17, pulled together a huge demonstration against racism

She is only 17 but managed to mobilize 10 000 people to demonstrate against racism day after the election.

- It shows that it is possible to do something even if you are young and have no voting rights, "says Felicia Margineanu.

Like many Swedes, she watched television during election night. When it became clear that the Sweden Democrats had entered the parliament, she went in to Facebook.

- I was not shocked that they arrived. I expected it. But I was so curious to see how others reacted. I knew that people would care even more after the election. But it's such a pity that people wait until the worst happens and only then do nothing, "she says.

- People complained and complained. I started talking to a male friend about how we could turn this into something positive.

Together they started a Facebook group to gather their friends to a demonstration against racism and for equality. The event spread like wildfire.

- When I went to bed at four o'clock in the morning, it was 2000, who had said they would come. When I woke up it was 4 000. I called the police immediately to get a permit for the demonstration.

On Monday evening were an estimated 10 000 people at Sergels Torg in central Stockholm.

- My first thought was, 'Oh my God, what have I done? ". The second was: "I have to speech in front of all these people". I stood there with my megaphone and wondered how everyone could hear me, "she says.

- For me it was important to turn what happened into something positive and show that we can work together to do something and together we are strong.

Afterwards she was interviewed in both Swedish and foreign media.

- I have received emails from all over the world, mainly from Romania, because I am half Romanian.

Felicia has been called everything from a hero to idol, something that she does not feel completely comfortable with.

- To me it's strong words, I do not feel that any hero. I just wanted to gather people.

Now Felicia Margineanu nominated for Swedish Heroes. She is happy to have contributed to something positive.

- What I did inspire others and show that it is actually possible to do something even if you are young and have no voting rights.

Sahlin celebrates Felicia

Seventeen-year-old effort hailed by, among others, the Social Democratic party leader Mona Sahlin.

- Felicia is an excellent nominee. She and her friends caught up and made something positive of what many felt. They can be proud, "she says.


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