SUN!!! :D and Felicia goes Spanish Teacher
Thank you God! thank you thank you thank you thank yooou!!! I woke up and I saw that the sky was all clear blue and the sun was shining :D it still is!!
Today is gonna be a funny day :) My first day as a Spanish Teacher! haha I´m goin to my old primary school and meet up with my Spanish teacher Tobias. And then im gonna meet up with his class. First we gonna eat some cake and unhealthy things in the teacherroom (brings me back to memories when I was little and we always knew they were having cake in there but they always tried to hide it...).
So why Spanish teacher? I´ve been talking alot with Tobias how IMPORTANT it is to know several languages. It´s one of the biggest tool you´ll ever get in life. It will help you to communicate better with different people, bring you to other cultures and also help you in many situations. It´ll make you Free.