Who am I? Who is Felicia Margineanu?

Felicia Margineanu. Born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. "So why isn´t your last name Svensson or Andersson?" Well, my last name is from my dad´s side - Romania. I´m 17 years old and I´m in love with life. I love that I´m the only one that´s in control of my own happiness. Photography brings so much joy to my life. I can not see myself without it. It allowes me to dream and put my mind into work. I love to dream. One day, I want to have a house on the Beach of Miami. I want to have my own studio and travel around the world taking pictures. If it´s on a zafari in Kenya with lions, tigers and elephants, or for a big fashion magazine in Paris.

I am a believer.

Today, I´ve been taking photos for about 2 years. I started out with a simple digital camera that my grandma and mother bought as a birthday present. I did not know how much that camera would change my life. It took me to places I´ve never seen. Today, I am a professional photographer, and I got the privilige to work with wonderful people, who inspires me to be the best photographer and Person I can be.

I wanna thank every single person, family members, strangers, friends, companions, friends of friends who believs in me. Thank you. Thank You all.
AND, a special holah to all of you who doesn´t believe in me. You inspires me even more to prove you wrong :)! 

I decied to start this blog to give, whoever that want´s to, to follow me through my life journey. See what I´m actually up to :) and I promise you, you will not be disappointed! The game is on!


Posted by: savanah

du skojar, e du 17??? :O

2010-04-21 @ 22:54:01
URL: http://sabobone.devote.se
Posted by: Felicia Margineanu

haha nej Savanah, ålder är inget man ska skoja om :) jag är 17, 93a

2010-04-21 @ 22:59:37
Posted by: veronica


2010-04-22 @ 09:34:21
URL: http://yayis.blogg.se/

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