The modelpics, Felicia goes snowprincess

Barabing bara booom! Here it comes!! :) tell me what you think

hahah and clumpsy as I am, I was putting my termos in the same BAG as the fabric. When I took out the fabric it was all FROZEN!!! haha I was suppose to throw with the fabric in the air, almost dancing with it. But noo, it was frozen hahah... So we made it to a dress :)

Hahaha it didn´t shine or anything as a silky fabric should! But, we made it work!

Photographer; Stella Kalaitzis, model; Felicia Margineanu, Makeup; Felicia Margineanu, retouch; Felicia Margineanu

hahah the birds were flying all over us!

Posted by: Marcela

I know how that feels! Co-co-cold! But you're beautiful as always. Love the first picture of you. As a dancer I have to say, nice arms! Go Felicia!

2010-12-17 @ 12:59:53
Posted by: Stella

Feeliiiiz! Glöm inte att skriva att det är du som redigerat dessa. :)

Grymt bra jobbat i övrigt! :D

2010-12-17 @ 16:00:17

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