Food poison + Shakiras´website = oouiooo!!

So, I was eating sushi witn Niki yesterday and HAH, guess what.. I woke up today around 7AM with cramps in my stomach. I feel a little bit better but I got a fever now :( im all sweaty.. I just hope I will get better before Monday, because on Monday im goin to - MIAMI!!!

And as usual I got a phonecall from Niki screaming again..
- " haha what´s up, how many viewers?"
- " NOOOO, not that!!! we are on SHAKIRAS´website!!!!"

Hahah and yeap we are! Check it out go down to the 6th July and press the right arrow and you´ll see our video. Wow, so in
Day 1 - over 9000 views
Day 2 - over 19 000 views and was 8most viewd on WHOLE youtube that day
Day 3 - Interview with SVT and the video was shown on Local TV, I am Bjorn Borgs´next Hero
Day 4 - The video is posted on Shakiras´website, and almost 30 000 views
Day 5 - ... ELLEN degeners??????!


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