Waka waka Stockholm + Sony Music = hell yeah!
Yesterday me and Nikeisha met up with Maria from Sony Music! and I promise you, this event is gonna be the BOOM of the year! Sony Music saw our video that we did and they contacted me and said that they wanted to support me in this! So Sony Music will put up some info about the event on their website and make sure that more people´ll join us! http://www.sonymusic.se The adrenaline is pumping...
We also gonna hand out the FIFA world cups official album; Listen Up! - artists like Shakira, Pitbull and Wyclef are in it.
If you want MORE info about the event, click here; http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=120306714672565&ref=ts
8 days left, over 200 people, let´s Waka Waka!!