Ghost is writing on my wall... ??!!
Yes I do!! I don´t know about You but I believe in the paranormal... I believe in a life after death. And I got it very clear about a week ago. My sisters friend is a medium and she can communicate with spirits. She was just coming to hang around with my sister but then she said "Oh wow, you got ALOT of people walking around in here..." It ended up with me, my sister, her friend and my mom sitting in the livingroom talking about ghost, and specially WHO´s in our house???
She said so many things that she could NEVER, EVER knew about. She talked about a woman with flowers, an eldery woman.. And me, my sister and my mom knew exactly who that woman was - my moms grandma. She also had contact with some other spirits who we could connect with. But then she looked at me and said; "And you Felicia, you got a little girl in your room! :)" I was sooo scared cuz my door was open and I sat just beside it. I jumped up and jumped on my mom and screamed haha.. "Do you have a computer in your room? Cuz she really likes it. And she likes all of your technology stuff.. She even goes out with you when you take pictures! and sometimes you´ve seen a shadow behind you, that´s her."
Daaaamn... so that night when I was goin to bed, I did my routines; Light my candle, put on some music and then the tv.. and when I was laying in the bed I saw THIS on my WALL!!!!!!!!
You can´t see the H but it says; HERO. even with a dot!!! And believe me, I´ve looked at that wall SOOO many times and I´ve never seen it before. I flew out from the bed, ran to my mom and screamed; "MOOOM!! COME COME!!! You gotta see this!!!" - And why Hero? I´m nominated to Swedish Heroes!!! :S :S
We were lookin around and was trying to figure out what the HELL that was.. And then I looked and I saw my photoglue spraybottle.. I sprayed some on the wall and - YES, it was the spray!! Now the question was, WHO did this??....
- The day after we asked my sister and my brother but noo...(And why the HELL would they do that?) then me asked my cousin, cuz she was mad one day when she was visiting and she was in my room but she had no idea what we talked about. This was one week ago, and I´ve been awake until 5-6AM every morning since.
My sisters friend came to us again cuz we wanted to know WHO did that. And yes, it was the girl. She said that she saw the girl and she was pointing at the wall and then at herself. but than someone Told her to do that. A man, not a very kind man. But we told him to leave us alone and bla bla bla... But the text is still there, I can see it now when I look back. We have some contacts with a TV show here in Sweden called Det Okända, and they WILL come to our house soon to help us get some more information about this..
woow... hahah this is just Crazy, and what i didn´t tell you was that; it´s written ALL over my wall. You can´t see it That much but there´s letters all over, F,A,E,M,U... and the funny thing is that; F- Felicia, A-Alexandra(my sister) E-Eva-Li, and M- Mikael..
She said so many things that she could NEVER, EVER knew about. She talked about a woman with flowers, an eldery woman.. And me, my sister and my mom knew exactly who that woman was - my moms grandma. She also had contact with some other spirits who we could connect with. But then she looked at me and said; "And you Felicia, you got a little girl in your room! :)" I was sooo scared cuz my door was open and I sat just beside it. I jumped up and jumped on my mom and screamed haha.. "Do you have a computer in your room? Cuz she really likes it. And she likes all of your technology stuff.. She even goes out with you when you take pictures! and sometimes you´ve seen a shadow behind you, that´s her."
Daaaamn... so that night when I was goin to bed, I did my routines; Light my candle, put on some music and then the tv.. and when I was laying in the bed I saw THIS on my WALL!!!!!!!!
You can´t see the H but it says; HERO. even with a dot!!! And believe me, I´ve looked at that wall SOOO many times and I´ve never seen it before. I flew out from the bed, ran to my mom and screamed; "MOOOM!! COME COME!!! You gotta see this!!!" - And why Hero? I´m nominated to Swedish Heroes!!! :S :S
We were lookin around and was trying to figure out what the HELL that was.. And then I looked and I saw my photoglue spraybottle.. I sprayed some on the wall and - YES, it was the spray!! Now the question was, WHO did this??....
- The day after we asked my sister and my brother but noo...(And why the HELL would they do that?) then me asked my cousin, cuz she was mad one day when she was visiting and she was in my room but she had no idea what we talked about. This was one week ago, and I´ve been awake until 5-6AM every morning since.
My sisters friend came to us again cuz we wanted to know WHO did that. And yes, it was the girl. She said that she saw the girl and she was pointing at the wall and then at herself. but than someone Told her to do that. A man, not a very kind man. But we told him to leave us alone and bla bla bla... But the text is still there, I can see it now when I look back. We have some contacts with a TV show here in Sweden called Det Okända, and they WILL come to our house soon to help us get some more information about this..
woow... hahah this is just Crazy, and what i didn´t tell you was that; it´s written ALL over my wall. You can´t see it That much but there´s letters all over, F,A,E,M,U... and the funny thing is that; F- Felicia, A-Alexandra(my sister) E-Eva-Li, and M- Mikael..
Posted by: Anonym
Vad ska U:et stå för da?
Posted by: Felicia Margineanu
Jag har ingen aning.. haha får försöka ta reda på det